Terahertz Wand to Relieve Back Pain

Terahertz technology is the latest in advanced healing. Utilizing Terahertz Waves, which were discovered in the ’80s to match the natural vibration frequency of human cells, directly affects blood flow as it is assisted while dormant cells are stimulated. This can lead to repairs of damaged cells and allow for shorter healing times due to trauma. Regular use also strengthens organic molecules and induces self-repairing body cells, leaving the patient feeling optimized.

The Terahertz (THz) waves are nonionizing radiation. They are strongly absorbed by polar molecules, such as water, in both gaseous and liquid forms.

Benefits of Terahertz blowers using Tera Hertz technology

    • The eight extraordinary vessels of the body must be cleared.
    • Pass through the body’s twelve main channels.
    • Toxins and harmful substances should be removed from the body.
    • Our bodies need to be cleansed of unhealthy elements.

A scanning function can be used to

    • Detect potential diseases.
    • Remove clogs and stasis in the body’s vessels.

The detoxification process

    • The immune system and internal organs are regulated.
    • Yang’s aura energy replenishes the body.
    • Cells and tissues are repaired when they are damaged.

The energy that is not ionizing

Although terahertz can penetrate the body, it is non-ionizing and harmless, unlike, for example, X-rays or microwaves.

Therapy using cells

Researchers found that terahertz frequencies may be used to manipulate cell functions for medical treatment.

Terahertz therapy using terahertz blowers

    • Bonds between hydrogen atoms

Hydrogen bonds, which are the most dominant bonds in biological molecules, have a characteristic energy that lies within the THz range.

Targeting with precision

In a recent scientific study, terahertz frequencies have been found to affect proteins inside cells without harming or altering them.

The Terahertz Wand has 7 functions:

The first step is Identification

    • Detects blockages, inflammations, and tumors within the body
    • Problematic areas will feel painful, burning, and tingling

A blockage will cause pain, no pain means no blockage, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine blockage areas are painful.

Tera Hertz frequencies can penetrate the skin by 20-30cm, so they can reach the bone marrow.

Elimination of unhealthy cells

With the Terahertz Wand, the tumor will gradually shrink and disappear, and the pain will subside progressively

The Tera Hertz Wand’s vibration is the same as our normal cells, and abnormal or mutated cells are absorbed and eliminated by the Tera Hertz Wand. It is recommended to consume warm water before using the Tera Hertz Wand.

The activation of inert cells

The body will feel more comfortable and energetic after using Terahertz Wand

Activation of dormant cells occurs when normal cells absorb the Tera Hertz energy and moderately increase in temperature.

Hippocrates, the Ancient Greek Father of Medicine, said that all diseases can be treated if the bones can be heated.

Repairing damaged cells

Our cells will regenerate more quickly if we use the Terahertz Wand daily over certain parts of our bodies.

By enhancing self-repairing body cells, terahertz frequency stimulates and strengthens DNA organic molecules.

A clear lymphatic system

By using the Terahertz Wand on lymphatic areas, we can improve blood circulation, remove clots, and soften our blood vessels.

Tera Hertz waves dilate our blood vessels, reduce blood flow resistance, improve blood circulation, and prevent diseases.

Clear meridians

Acupuncture points are stimulated, Qi circulation is improved, blood circulation is improved, and metabolism is increased

The Tera Hertz frequency resonates with our normal cells, improving blood circulation, clearing meridians, and strengthening our health.

Dehumidify the body

We can balance our body’s acidity and alkalinity by using the Terahertz Wand on our bodies

The normal cells absorb Terahertz energy and increase temperature moderately to warm our bodies and remove unhealthy moisture.

Customer testimonials

“I was prescribed painkillers by my doctor, but they did not alleviate my excruciating sciatica pain. The Terahertz Wand, however, has been nothing short of miraculous.” ~ Donald Hansen

“I wanted to update you on how the terahertz wand works out for me. I’ve been living with a spinal injury that left me paralyzed from the neck down for almost three decades now. Because of this, my shoulders are usually painful, as they’re basically the only area where I can feel anything, and I sometimes have intense pain and stiffness around my neck when I’m getting up from my chair. But luckily, using the wand has helped reduce these episodes significantly so that instead of giving in to the pain and going straight back to bed, I can carry on with what I was doing.” ~ George Eddleston