Terahertz wand therapy is a medical treatment that utilizes THz waves to address a range of ailments, including cancer, infections, and discomfort. These electromagnetic waves fall between microwaves and infrared waves on the electromagnetic spectrum and have the ability to penetrate deep into bodily tissues, making them well-suited for medical purposes. Terahertz devices have shown promise in treating conditions such as osteoporosis, psoriasis, sciatica, Bell’s palsy, heart disease, and pain.
Guide to Terahertz Wand Treatment
Step-by-step Guide to use the Terahertz Wand to treat various conditions:
- Spend 20 minutes on the main points.
- Focus on specific areas related to the condition for another 10 minutes.
- Repeat twice daily for a total of 60 minutes if you have chronic conditions.
- A treatment guide for specific conditions can be found here:
- Blows to the neck, shoulders, ears, and head can cause headaches.
- If you have an earache, blow directly on your ears, your back of the neck, your waist, and your kidneys.
- Blow on the back of the neck, front, and back of the lungs, and the nose area.
- The back of the neck, the front, and the back of the lungs, as well as directly into the mouth, should be blown in order to relieve toothache or oral ulcer.
- If you have a sore throat, a cough, or tonsils, blow on the back and front neck, on the front and back of the lungs, and directly into your mouth.
- If you have a cold or flu, blow all around your neck and throat, spleen, and stomach.
- When you have a fever, blow extra time on your palms, soles of your feet, chest, and spine.
- Hands, fingers, arms, soles of feet, back of neck, and shoulders: Blow on palms, fingers, arms, and shoulders.
- Blow on the back of your neck, shoulder blades, armpits, and breasts (gently massage breasts while blowing).
- A blow to the spleen, stomach, spinal column, and back area will benefit the spleen and digestive system.
- Blow on palms, soles of feet, spinal column, and area where back pain is felt.
- Blow on the entire back, front of lungs, and stomach to relieve constipation.
- Gynecological: Low-speed blow on buttocks, waist, groin, and perineum.
- Blow on the waist, kidneys, groin, and perineum (low speed) for prostate/erectile dysfunction.
- On hemorrhoids, blow on the palms, soles of the feet, entire back, and directly on the hemorrhoids.
- Athlete’s Foot/Nail Fungus: Blow on the entire back, liver, gallbladder, and affected foot area.
- Blow on the entire back, lungs, and affected areas of the skin (blisters/itchiness may indicate healing).
- Blow over the wound in a circular motion 2-3 times daily for 15 minutes.
- If you suffer from insomnia, blow on your neck, shoulders, entire back, and head (and take melatonin in high doses).
- An indication of hyperthyroidism is a blow to the back of the neck, the front and back of the liver, and the thyroid area (blisters, redness, and warmth may indicate healing).
- Blow on palms, soles of feet, back, lungs, and varicose veins (itching and blisters may indicate healing).
- Blow on palms, soles of feet, back, kidneys, spleen, liver, stomach, and gall bladder (blisters and pain may indicate healing).
- Blow on palms, soles of feet, back, and painful joints (blisters and more pain may indicate healing).
- Blow on palms, soles of feet, entire back, spleen, stomach, gall bladder, liver, and both thighs if you are obese.
- When you have high blood pressure, blow on your palms, soles of your feet, and down your back (don’t blow on your head for the first and second weeks, and after that, blow on the sides of your head).

Terahertz Frequency: What is it?
It was discovered in the 1980s that Terahertz Waves resonate with the same frequency as human cells, generating millions of vibrations per second.