Terahertz Wand Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

Questions and Answers

Q: For how long should I use the Wand?

A: It is best to start slowly, as your body is not used to the energy coming from the device. It is recommended that the eyes (small soft tissue) and kidneys and liver, which contain toxic materials, be used for only a few minutes at a time.

If you use it for up to 10 minutes per area, we recommend doing your hands, feet, and ears first. Drinking warm terahertz water and doing this will improve the outcome. Once done, use it on your back or other areas that need relief. After your body gets used to the energy, you may be able to increase the time, but the main focus should be on frequency and not duration.

Q: What is the turnaround time for results?

A: Some people see immediate results within 48 hours, but it is impossible to predict whether the wand will be able to help the area you’re working on or how long it will take. Each person’s individual body and situation will vary depending on their diet, exercise, duration, and amount of use. It should be noted that many great teachers, including Nikola Tesla, Royal Rife, and Georges Lakofsky, always followed a 90-day or 180-day time frame to achieve results.

Q: How should I set the Wand?

A: It is best to use the setting that is most comfortable for you and the area in which you will be working. Keep in mind that it is more about frequency than time, so choose a comfortable setting and move the wand far enough away from the area to make it more comfortable to use. If you are sensitive to heat, you may find that you get used to a warmer setting slowly, but build it up as needed.

Q: What is the wavelength of the blue light?

A: With a wavelength of 405 nanometers (nm), the Terahertz Wand blue light has powerful healing properties

Q: How does 405 nanometer light work?

A: The antimicrobial properties of violet-blue light, especially 405 nm light, are significant against a broad variety of bacteria and fungi, and although they are less effective than UV light at killing bacteria, their facilities for safe, continuous use in occupied environments make up for this limitation.

Q: What is the safety of this wavelength?

A: In addition to being safe to use, these lights have wavelengths of 405 nm. UVC light adversely affects many types of materials, such as plastic, making them crisp or yellow, cracking or failing. 405 nm light does not break down materials.

Q: Terahertz energy: what is it?

A: Infrared light is a form of electromagnetic radiation with frequencies ranging from roughly 0.1 THz to 10 THz. Such frequencies are higher than radio waves and microwaves but lower than infrared light.

Q: In comparison with other electromagnetic wavebands, what are the benefits of Terahertz?


    1. THz is a harmless, but powerful electromagnetic field
    2. Penetrates most organic materials
    3. Water absorbs it
    4. Medicine’s future

Q: Is Terahertz capable of treating sickness?


    1. The company does not claim to be able to treat or cure patients or individuals
    2. Patients can only be treated and cured by doctors and licensed professionals
    3. The terahertz blower helps with natural self-healing by focusing on meridians, chakras, and reflexology points

Q: To see results, how many times should I blow?


    1. Some people see results after the first treatment
    2. To see good results, it will be good to spend anywhere between 5 and 15 minutes on it
    3. There are three factors to consider: the severity of the problem, your body condition, and your general health.

Q: What is the terahertz frequency of the terahertz blower?

A: 2-17 THZ is the range of terahertz waves frequencies

Q: Does it have a high or low frequency?

A: Mid-frequency and low-frequency

Q: What is the frequency of body cells or blood when the iTeracare device is blown into the body?

A: It activates our cells, making them healthy. It is the same frequency as normal cells.

Q: What are the components of the Terahertz wand’s terahertz emission source?

A: The crystal energy tube generates terahertz by heating the motor through the crystals.

Q: What is the life expectancy of the emission source?

A: Up to five years

Q: Can Terahertz Wand Help ADHD and if so, how?

A: There are many testimonies of using a combination of full body wanding morning and night and drinking an 8-ounce glass of wand energized water every hour or two. This has been reported to be the protocol for many problems in youth, including bed wetting.

Q: What is the difference between a Terahertz Wand and a Tesla Terahertz Wand?

A: Terahertz Wands and the original generation of the heated blue light healing wands, while Tesla Terahertz Wands have been upgraded with added Tesla Violet Ray Healing Frequencies, installed by Wayne Rowland Laboratories in California.

Q: Would the Healing Wand be Considered Contraband in your Airline Carry On?

A: No. Not unless you brag about it being an unauthorized healing device. While they are healing devices in other countries, in the USA, they are only authorized for sale as a high-tech hair dryer. That is all. So, yes, you can take your high-tech hair dryer on your plane.

Q: What are the benefits of wanded water?

A: The Benefits of Terahertz Water

    • Increases Alertness Level
    • Fuels the Brain
    • Reduces Sickness
    • Strengthens the Immune System
    • Reduces Toxins in the Body
    • Hydrates the Body Ultra Fast
    • Reinforces Healthy Weight Loss
    • Improves Complexion and Skin Radiance
    • Neutralizes Free Radicals
    • Increases Cellular Oxygenation
    • Better absorption of nutritional elements
    • Improves the quality of sleep
    • Decreases insomnia.
    • Speeds up metabolism
    • Improves blood viscosity
    • Improves health index of intestinal flora
    • Improves constipation

Q: Does the terahertz wand help with Lyme disease?

A: I have seen testimonies where it helped

Q: I understand drinking charged water and wanding can cause detox reactions, so is it wise to drink charged water while sick? My 5-year-old has a viral infection and his neck lymphs are sore. Castor oil helps, but I wanted to add the wand to see if he would benefit from it.

A: It’s best to drink charged water all day & every day, especially if you’re unwell, as it will get into your cells & hydrate your body & flush out toxins, if you have a wand your feet & palms of your hands to unblock meridians & just drink charged water, I hope she feels better soon.

Q: Why should I charge my drinking water with terahertz?

A: By drinking Charged Terahertz Water regularly, human cells are stimulated, blood viscosity is reduced, waste and toxins are expelled, each cell is repaired, and it becomes healthier and stronger. Because THz water has a single water molecule, it can pass through water channels more easily with kinetic energy. This rapid, high-penetrating force has a powerful dissolving effect.

Upon entering the body, its constant resonance with the cells results in it transporting more nutrients, minerals, and oxygen that are beneficial to it. As a result, our cells are filled with clean, vibrant, and nutritious liquid molecules, which can greatly enhance the growth, development and activity of the cells. Because of this, water can enhance beauty and moisturize our skin.

As a result, the body’s detoxification system gets a major boost, allowing nutrients that cannot be absorbed by the cells to be dissolved and excreted.

Q: What is the shelf life of a jar of charged water?

A: I believe it takes up to two hours.

Q: Does the switch position affect the amount of terahertz energy or only the heat and fan speed?

A: All switch positions just change the heat and speed. All positions produce the same amount of terahertz.

Q: What is the protocol for targeting the pineal gland with the Terahertz wand?

A: For 5-20 minutes, I point low heat at it

Q: Is it possible to kill parasites with the terahertz wand?

A: Using a wand for a long period of time can kill parasites. To accelerate parasite killing, drink terahertz-charged water hourly. You can also use terahertz-charged water as a bioinsecticide. In order to kill pests, terahertz-based functional mineral water must be sprayed directly.

Q: Does it have a fixed frequency or a range of frequencies?

A: A fixed range of frequencies

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