Using the Terahertz Wand Blower to Treat Various Body Issues

You will find people all over China using the terahertz wand blower to treat various body issues of nearly all complicated maladies from ailments and discomforts to viruses and disease. While these devices are only authorized for use as fancy hair dryers in the USA, many Americans are learning about these terahertz wands and using them foe addressing health issues.

The devices are based on quantum science energy that we in the United States are just learning about as MIT is leading the pack in researching the possibilities of harnessing the terahertz waves in communications as well as their effect on human tissue, which it passes through easily.

Our bodies are composed of a blend of organic and inorganic materials. The biggest organ is the skin, which contains an extensive arrangement of mechanoreceptors, coupled with nerve endings that penetrate the epidermis providing tactile sensations such as pressure, vibration, pain and heat. It also functions to maintain body temperature by controlling blood circulation at the exterior area and supports balance to adjust position and gait. The way the THz oscillations circulate through our crystalline material within us governs its basic components, basically determining who we are! Piezoelectricity is an electric bout generated by pressure and thermal energy in materials such as crystals, ceramics and organic matter including DNA, proteins and bones.

Inflammation Pain Removal Remove Blocks Eye Disease Treat Skin
Rhinitis Shoulder and Neck Meridian Blockages Cataract Acne and Scars
Pharyngitis Joint Pain Lymphatic Blockage Presbyopia Blemishes
Gastritis Lower Back Varicose Veins Myopia Anti-aging
Ayrecological Headache Diabetes Photophobia Moles
Prostatitis Dysmenorrhea High Blood Pressure High Intraocular Pressure Rosacea
Inflammation Sciatica Weight Loss Floaters Various Skin Diseases

Charging water with the Terahertz wand has produced impressive results. As a result of charging water, the cells are restructured in a way that makes it easier for the body to absorb treated water. It is hard or difficult to absorb water molecules because water cells tend to clump together making it impossible for it to get into the cell directly.

The Terahertz Frequency Wand has been shown to help to help with kidney issues, blow directly on kidney and drink lots of charged water – restores kidney functions.

The Terahertz Frequency Wand has been shown to be effective for treating,

        • Skin Diseases
        • Skin Abnormalities
          • Dermatitis
        • Inflammatory Problems
          • Periarthritis of the shoulder
          • Enteritis
          • Nephritis
          • Mastitis (proliferation)
          • Laryngitis
          • Gynecological Inflammation
          • Hemorrhoids
        • Various Pain
          • Rheumatic Joint Pain
          • Gout
          • Stomach Pain
          • Menstrual Pain
          • Reduce lumps in breast tissues and relieve discomfort.
        • Various Blockage
          • Lymphoma
          • Lipoma
          • Ovarian Cyst
          • Goiter
        • Help with Osteoporosis.
        • Calm down Alzheimer’s patients.
        • Calm down Alzheimer’s patients.
        • Beauty
          • Firming Skin
          • Lightening Pigmentation
          • Reducing Nasolabial Lines
          • Wrinkles
          • Sweat Spots
          • Stretch Marks
          • Eczema
          • Hives
          • Body Odor
        • Viral
          • Cold
          • Fever
          • Cough

We may not be aware that light carries a lot of information. Cell phones utilize light waves to send and receive calls and messages. Similarly, wireless routers make use of this energy form to transmit images from the cyber world to our computers while car radios take advantage of it to pick up music from local radio stations. Nature also utilizes light in many ways and electromagnetic spectrum describes frequencies, both seen and invisible.

The visual representation which consists of varied colors forms only a fraction of the entire array with most going undetected by us. As waves define light, its characteristics include frequency which varies from one end of the range to the other. Radio waves, for example have longer wavelengths than visible light while gamma rays possess shorter ones. In between these two extremes are what is known as “THz Gap” although current development on its deployment is still developing.

This band of electromagnetic frequency lies between microwave and far infrared. All molecules have a unique spectrum in the terahertz range, which is non-ionizing. Its benefits come from its low frequency and long wavelength; unlike ionizing radiation with a higher frequency and shorter wavelength, it does not cause severe health issues such as burns, radiation sickness, cancer and genetic damage. Terahertz frequency is therefore safe to use in comparison to ionizing radiation/frequency.

Researchers at Kyoto University’s Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS) and Tokai University in Japan report that terahertz light pulses alter gene expression in stem cells. A new tool is responsible for the findings, which will have implications for stem cell research and regenerative therapies.

As part of the far infrared/microwave spectrum, terahertz pulses can be produced by powerful lasers. They have been used by researchers to control the properties of solid-state materials. In addition, they do not damage living cells the way ultraviolet or infrared light does, so they can be used to manipulate them. The way in which experiments have been conducted may have led to contradictory findings regarding their effects on cells.

In collaboration with colleagues, Ken-ichiro Kamei (a iCeMS microengineer) and Hideki Hirori (a physicist) developed a tool to study what happens when human cells are exposed to terahertz pulses. With the apparatus, cells are placed in microwells with the same area as the terahertz light, eliminating issues with previous techniques.

This apparatus was used to explore the effects of terahertz radiation on induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), which are cells taken from the skin or blood and changed into stem cells. A number of diseases like muscular dystrophy can be treated with them if they can be turned into other types of cells and tissues.

In experiments with iPSCs, Hirori found that terahertz pulses generated a strong electric field without touching or damaging the cells.

The THz pulses activated motor neuron survival and mitochondrial function genes, while deactivating genes involved in cell differentiation, the process by which stem cells become specialized body cells.

In addition, zinc-dependent transcription factors were found to influence these genes. Terahertz pulses are thought to generate an electric field that moves zinc ions within cells, affecting transcription factors, which in turn activate or deactivate genes they are responsible for.

Using these findings, Hirori says, regenerative therapies for a wide range of diseases may be possible by turning off specific genes while keeping others on, paving the way for a technology that can manipulate iPSC differentiation.

The Terahertz pulse alters gene networks in human induced pluripotent stem cells, T Tachizaki, R Sakaguchi, S Terada, K Kamei, and H Hirori.

Priced from $129 & up

Product Disclaimer

Terahertz Wands are not classified as medical devices and should not be substituted for getting professional medical advice for any type of health condition. If you have a health condition please consult a medical professional.

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant or have a pacemaker please contact your doctor before purchasing.


Terahertz Wand to Relieve Back Pain

Terahertz technology is the latest in advanced healing. Utilizing Terahertz Waves, which were discovered in the ’80s to match the natural vibration frequency of human cells, directly affects blood flow as it is assisted while dormant cells are stimulated. This can lead to repairs of damaged cells and allow for shorter healing times due to trauma. Regular use also strengthens organic molecules and induces self-repairing body cells, leaving the patient feeling optimized.

The Terahertz (THz) waves are nonionizing radiation. They are strongly absorbed by polar molecules, such as water, in both gaseous and liquid forms.

Benefits of Terahertz blowers using Tera Hertz technology

    • The eight extraordinary vessels of the body must be cleared.
    • Pass through the body’s twelve main channels.
    • Toxins and harmful substances should be removed from the body.
    • Our bodies need to be cleansed of unhealthy elements.

A scanning function can be used to

    • Detect potential diseases.
    • Remove clogs and stasis in the body’s vessels.

The detoxification process

    • The immune system and internal organs are regulated.
    • Yang’s aura energy replenishes the body.
    • Cells and tissues are repaired when they are damaged.

The energy that is not ionizing

Although terahertz can penetrate the body, it is non-ionizing and harmless, unlike, for example, X-rays or microwaves.

Therapy using cells

Researchers found that terahertz frequencies may be used to manipulate cell functions for medical treatment.

Terahertz therapy using terahertz blowers

    • Bonds between hydrogen atoms

Hydrogen bonds, which are the most dominant bonds in biological molecules, have a characteristic energy that lies within the THz range.

Targeting with precision

In a recent scientific study, terahertz frequencies have been found to affect proteins inside cells without harming or altering them.

The Terahertz Wand has 7 functions:

The first step is Identification

    • Detects blockages, inflammations, and tumors within the body
    • Problematic areas will feel painful, burning, and tingling

A blockage will cause pain, no pain means no blockage, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine blockage areas are painful.

Tera Hertz frequencies can penetrate the skin by 20-30cm, so they can reach the bone marrow.

Elimination of unhealthy cells

With the Terahertz Wand, the tumor will gradually shrink and disappear, and the pain will subside progressively

The Tera Hertz Wand’s vibration is the same as our normal cells, and abnormal or mutated cells are absorbed and eliminated by the Tera Hertz Wand. It is recommended to consume warm water before using the Tera Hertz Wand.

The activation of inert cells

The body will feel more comfortable and energetic after using Terahertz Wand

Activation of dormant cells occurs when normal cells absorb the Tera Hertz energy and moderately increase in temperature.

Hippocrates, the Ancient Greek Father of Medicine, said that all diseases can be treated if the bones can be heated.

Repairing damaged cells

Our cells will regenerate more quickly if we use the Terahertz Wand daily over certain parts of our bodies.

By enhancing self-repairing body cells, terahertz frequency stimulates and strengthens DNA organic molecules.

A clear lymphatic system

By using the Terahertz Wand on lymphatic areas, we can improve blood circulation, remove clots, and soften our blood vessels.

Tera Hertz waves dilate our blood vessels, reduce blood flow resistance, improve blood circulation, and prevent diseases.

Clear meridians

Acupuncture points are stimulated, Qi circulation is improved, blood circulation is improved, and metabolism is increased

The Tera Hertz frequency resonates with our normal cells, improving blood circulation, clearing meridians, and strengthening our health.

Dehumidify the body

We can balance our body’s acidity and alkalinity by using the Terahertz Wand on our bodies

The normal cells absorb Terahertz energy and increase temperature moderately to warm our bodies and remove unhealthy moisture.

Customer testimonials

“I was prescribed painkillers by my doctor, but they did not alleviate my excruciating sciatica pain. The Terahertz Wand, however, has been nothing short of miraculous.” ~ Donald Hansen

“I wanted to update you on how the terahertz wand works out for me. I’ve been living with a spinal injury that left me paralyzed from the neck down for almost three decades now. Because of this, my shoulders are usually painful, as they’re basically the only area where I can feel anything, and I sometimes have intense pain and stiffness around my neck when I’m getting up from my chair. But luckily, using the wand has helped reduce these episodes significantly so that instead of giving in to the pain and going straight back to bed, I can carry on with what I was doing.” ~ George Eddleston


Wholesale Terahertz Wand

We are happy to be supplying the terahertz wand wholesale. You don’t have to be a member and we do not require a minimum order. Click here for wholesale pricing.

What can you expect from your terahertz wand?

Many people are curious about the terahertz wand and inquire about how it works, so we’d like to take this time to share with you what to expect from your terahertz wand. (Keep in mind that the following would apply only to our wholesale terahertz wand which is guaranteed to be an authorized and manufactured original and would not necessarily apply to any other imitation terahertz wand.)

Our wand generates focused heat operating at a continuous temperature of 600-700°C, which is energized to synchronize at terahertz frequency vibrating at 1 trillion hertz (1012 Hz), a perfect match for the human body. Be aware that the nozzle may reach temperatures of up to 70°, considered to be within the range of normal operation.

The terahertz frequency easily passes through protective layers of skin, permeating tissues, and can easily permeate bone and access the bone’s marrow. This presents exciting possibilities for the delivery of the frequency to specific areas of one’s physiology. One would easily be able to recognize the increased temperature of the site focused upon.

This focused heat vibrating at 1012 Hz activates the body’s healing cells, while increasing microcirculation and blood clarity, and most importantly, clears mutated and apoptotic/necrotic cells at the site location. In this manner the temperature at the site increases, strengthening and supporting a healthy life force in that area of the body.

There are two primary methods of healing that work together simultaneously.


The first is to increase the temperature. This raises the effective temperature of the bones, which activates healing cells and balances the cells present throughout the organs.


The other main system to effects the body is the raising of the individual’s energy production in said area. This promotes vitality and a healthful response to otherwise challenged areas of the body. Note that the effect is immediately recognizable and noteworthy.


As with any protocol, start slow and work up from there, checking your body’s response and moving up accordingly when it feels appropriate. First, try treating a specific area for one minute, and increase the duration until you reach a 20-minute treatment (which would be considered a normal treatment).

Treatment rounds should be accomplished one to two rounds per day, once in the morning, once at night. May be expanded if necessary to three rounds per day, but no more.

A normal course of treatment is considered as two weeks or 15 days. It is recommended that the body be allowed to rest for three to five days between multiple courses of treatment.

It is recommended to drink a (room temperature) glass of boiled water prior to treatment.

Allow the body to rest for at least five minutes following treatment, then follow by drinking a glass of warm water.

Note: These devices have been upgraded with Tesla Violet Ray Healing Frequencies, installed by Wayne Rowland Laboratories in California.


Do not alter skin temperature for at least 40 minutes following treatment. I.e., do not stand in front of a heater or air conditioner. Do not wash your hands with cold water or eat refrigerated food, and do not shower or wash your hair within four hours of treatment round.

Wholesale Terahertz Wands

How does a wholesale terahertz wand device work?

It’s a personal healing device that uses four modalities from the healing beds that aren’t yet permitted in the United States. Although it looks and sounds like a hair dryer, it has so much going on inside. As a result of the heat and light being focused on a particular area of the body, impressive healing, detoxification, elimination of malicious cells, immune support, repair, and regeneration have been reported.

When used as directed, wholesale terahertz wands combine multiple technologies to benefit the human body that can be felt instantly or within hours.

There is a new device being developed in therapeutic science that can be used for a wide range of treatments and therapies, from surface treatments and subdermal rejuvenation for aging skin to stem cell invigoration via surface treatments that penetrate through the tissues and bone marrow of the human body.

With the help of the wand, a wide range of healing frequencies are focused, helping one to administer energetic self-healing. A perfect Electromatic match for energizing human cells (2-17 THz), the terahertz spectrum (oscillating between 1 trillion and 100 trillion Hz), penetrates all human tissues and provides harmonic resonance to all cells, affecting all glands, organs, biological, physiological, and neurological systems.

Users maintain profound efficacy by improving circulatory performance, ambulatory response, energy, vitality, age-reversal, and noninvasive detoxification.

With a penetration range of eight to twelve inches, terahertz, quantum, quartz, and solar energies are simultaneously delivered in a single hand-held device.

Terahertz Molecular Alignment and Harmonization Benefits

This product effectively curtails inflammatory issues associated with arthritis, rhinitis, gastritis, pharyngitis, and gynecological inflammation. Furthermore, it rapidly alleviates pain in the shoulder, neck, joints, sciatica, lower back, head, and menstrual cramps. In addition to that, it dispels impediments that could cause hypertension and diabetes as well as spider veins to improve overall wellbeing and support natural weight loss. Last but not least; healthy skin is promoted with this product giving a beautiful complexion along with reducing acne, acne scars, and blemishes as well as treating multiple skin diseases while defying the aging process.

Method of self-treatment

Don’t allow the wholesale terahertz wand to stand still for long periods. It is recommended to vary the target area’s location and move slowly and steadily. Standard treatment is 15 to 20 minutes in duration. The best results are obtained by treating this twice a day for ten days.

Wholesale Terahertz Wand

The Wholesale Terahertz Wand THz Blower combines

      • Terahertz and
      • Negative Ion solid state circuitry
      • Quantum Optical Crystal Quartz
      • Tesla Violet Ray Frequencies
      • Blue Healing Light
      • Infrared Light, and
      • Concentrated Thermotherapy

This Quantum Science Energy Terahertz Wand THz Blower is referred to as the precursor to the med bed because it brings together so many healing technologies in one place.

Radiation at Terahertz

Terahertz waves are being revealed as extraordinary high frequency vibrations, making them compatible with human cells and physiology. Unlike other forms of radiation used in medical technology which can be detrimental to the human body, terahertz radiation vibrates at a similar frequency to that of the human anatomy, ranging from atoms to organ systems, without causing any deterioration.

Ions that are negative

The Negative Ion Generator that comes with the Terahertz Wand THz Blower disperses negative ions that are naturally present in the environment; namely after storms, lightning strikes, at waterfalls, beaches and lush vegetation, notably when it was covered with morning dew or rainfall. In stark contrast to the ubiquitous positive ions from twentieth-century technology, negative ions play a crucial role in countering their detrimental effect on our wellbeing. The cost? Unquestionably worth it.

Quartz crystal with quantum optical properties

This hybrid technology, which combines optical quartz with a crystal tube, boosts the energy delivered by the Terahertz Wand THz Blower to two-and-a-half percent of the ultraviolet intensity of the sun. As a result of this combination, the human aura is energized and expanded.

Frequencies of Tesla’s Violet Ray

There are Violet Ray frequencies that are included in the Terahertz Wand THz Blower, which were discovered by Nikola Tesla who is famous for the quote, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” These are purple life frequencies. Aside from promoting health, harmony, and healing in the human body, these energy waves are also featured in this device. (Only available in the Quantum Science Energy model.)

Light that is infrared

The infrared light frequency (invisible to the naked eye) is commonly used in treating sun-damaged skin, including skin cancer growths. It has a powerful regenerative effect on the skin. As a preventative treatment, it boosts sun exposure and is credited with impairing potential cancer development.

Light of Blue Healing

470nm Blue Healing LEDs stimulate the release of nitric oxide, promotes cell regeneration, and regulates the immune system. It kills bacteria under the skin and can be used to treat cysts and nodules.

It is used by dermatologists to treat acne, by hepatologists to treat reduced liver function, and by pediatricians to treat jaundice.

Thermotherapy Concentrated

There is no doubt that thermotherapy has many advantages, which involves applying heat to any infirmed body part, relieving pain, and speeding up the healing process. While most of us think of heating pads, warm washcloths, heated towels, or hot water bottles, the Terahertz Wand THz Blower concentrates the heat in a directional way.

Like a hair dryer, this device delivers continuous concentrated forced warm air that can be aimed precisely or applied generally. It takes only a few minutes to notice the results. In addition to focusing and delivering other activated systems to the target area, this forced air delivery system also helps to rebuild and repair harmoniously.

For advanced health care, this multifaceted approach penetrates deeply to increase circulation, stimulate cells, relax muscles, and remove dampness.

Itching can be relieved in three minutes, pain can be relieved in ten minutes, and meridians and collaterals can be cleared in twenty minutes.

Use of this device is not recommended if you have a pacemaker, an open wound, a fracture, plates in your body, are pregnant or menstruating, or have congenital heart disease.

Please note that information on this site is provided solely for informational purposes, and is not intended to replace the advice of your physician.